그 미래가 지구 반대편에서 전파로 주고받는 사랑이라면
끊임없는 감가상각과 자학의 악순환 | 캐나다 밴쿠버 워킹홀리데이 41일 차. 한동안 글을 올리지 않았다. 마음이 정말 좋지 않았기 때문이다. 구직에 대한 압박 때문이다. 링크드인과 인디드를
'2년 짜리 비자가 있었다면...'
워킹홀리데이 1년이 너무 짧다고 생각한 적이 있다. (윗 글 참조) 차라리 나에게 2년이라는 시간이 있었다면, 천천히 시작해서 경험을 쌓는다면 사무직을 얻을 수 있었을 것이라고. 고통에 쌓여 100장에 가까운 이력서를 돌려 얻게된 지금 직장은 그토록 원하던 로컬 사무직은 아니지만, 적어도 외국인 클라이언트가 많은 한인 회사다. 가히 전설이라고 할만한 워킹홀리데이 비자 홀더의 사무직 취업이었다.
It's been more than 6 months from then on. Since my arrival here, it's been more than 8 months. Since the company is an immigration agency that helps people to work and settle down here, I always have a concern if I should stay one more year or not without considering the opinion of the general manager. And finally and fortunately, my managers start to ask for a staying for one more year like the wish comes true.
Well, it's definitely not an easy problem. I'm in my mid-20s undergraduate which means every decision I make now has an impact on my whole life significantly. It's like the first step to somewhere. Very important. This pressure let me go over every experience from a perspective of a human resource manager. For example, my Canadian experience will be recognized as my English ability and give some topics for the cover letter. So do blog. As the time to make the decision is coming, I should analyze everything regarding the staying. Here are the things below.
Pros of staying here
1. Improvement of English skill
Living in a foreign country that uses English is clearly helpful for the English skill with no doubt. Even I used to hang out with people who cannot speak Korean and also work in English. I know my English skill improved a lot since I came here, However, as you may already know, less than one year and about 2 years have a big difference.
It is also important to me personally because I think a foreign language helps me to enjoy the world better. Through improved English, I will be able to enjoy Western culture such as movies or something. I will understand the joke or expression in that.
2. Work experiences
It's very rare to work in an office with a working holiday visa and even hard to be offered a work permit sponsorship. It can be recognized as my potential for the future hiring manager. Plus, you know, every work experience usually starts to be valuable when it reached a year.
Additionally, I sometimes have unexpected jobs such as personal trainer that I keep working on. 이런 걸 언제 해보겠어?
Moreover, it has me eligible for Express Entry; a federal immigration program. It will become easier to immigrate here if I will crave for moving out of Korea. Since one of my future plans is to leave Korea, it's good certainly.
3. More foreign experience that can't be specified.
I believe all of the experiences which don't violate the law are helpful for my life. Each experience here has been super fresh and unfamiliar to me, so I could have grown up more than before.
4. Fun life with 준호형
Living, Working out, and Activities with 준호형, my roommate is fun. Even I sometimes imagine the departure day and become so sad.
What if I won't stay here
This problem is basically a matter of time. If I can live forever, there is no need to be torn between these two. That is to say, I should consider the things that I can do if I leave here.
1. Going to Australia
- New experience
Australia is the common country that supports Koreans to have international experience. They use English and have nice and weird weather; Northern Hemisphere's summer is the Southern's winter. If I go there, I will keep learning English, new cultures, and new people. To be honest, nothing is important other than curiosity. I already tried here and little bit be fed up.
There are two ways of going to Australia. The first one is going there after graduation. I thought school can be the barrier to the failure of Canadian life and really it was, but it becomes an obstacle now. I could have been able to immigrate here very smoothly if I came here after wrapping up school. In this case, because I finished school, there are various opportunities compared to here.
The second one is going there right after finishing here. Obstacle; Barrier at the same time still exists.
2. Graduate and try to break into a conglomerate
- Starting a career earlier and increasing the possibility of breaking into a conglomerate
Not meant to be cocky, my university is not that bad. Many of the alumni broke into popular conglomerates such as Samsung, LG, SK, etc. or they entered foreign companies like ASML, Continental, Honeywell, etc. I also don't want to throw away the advantage of my school. Someone said your university doesn't matter recently, but it still affects you somehow.
A famous company title in a resume has great a effect on future employment. These companies prefer younger people to older people. I should take care of it very seriously. The effect will be dramatic when I will apply for a foreign company to immigrate. In conclusion, to use my university advantage, I should try to enter big companies.
It doesn't mean I cannot enter those if I do one more year. But just my main career will start late than others.
Well, I can start the career late but, certainly, I cannot come back here for a long time. In this way of thinking, I realized that I have been too focused on my life from the perspective of an HR manager or resume. If I live for 100 years, I can say it like 'a hundred books'. 추억으로 사는 인간인데 It must be okay to add one more book of Canadian life on my bookshelf.
Therefore, I almost decide to live here for one more year. If I will fuck up life in here, yeah, I will run away to my home country lol. By the way, how can I return to school being scared of freshmen...?
"무례와 혐오와 경쟁과 분열과 비교와 나태와 허무의 달콤함에 길들지 말길, 의미와 무의미의 온갖 폭력을 이겨내고 하루하루를 온전히 경험하길, 그 끝에서 오래 기다리고 있는 낯선 나를 아무 아쉬움 없이 맞이하길 바랍니다."